3-Year-Old Georgia Girl Dies After Sexual Assault,We Ask GOD To Leave-“It Is Done”

Galatians 6:7 warns us what happens when we remove the authority of God from our values, our goals, and our laws: “Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.” And a society reaps what it sows as well. Rape culture is not propagated by a godly, Christian people. It is not ignored by those who hold fast to biblical standards. A rape culture is allowed to take root and grow when the people who claim to hate it are actually some of those who help to nourish it. Albany Ga Police Departmenton Friday The Albany Police Department Charges Parents in Child Abuse Case For Immediate Release May 17, 2019 (Albany, GA)-The Albany Police Department’s Family Protection Unit (FPU) has taken warrants against 20-year old Gregory Parker in a heinous crime committed against a three-year-old little … Continue reading 3-Year-Old Georgia Girl Dies After Sexual Assault,We Ask GOD To Leave-“It Is Done”