Watchman: For The Christian, This World Is The Only Hell They Will Ever Know ,With an Increasing Number of People in the West Wishing for a World Without Christianity, ‘You Might Get What You Want, but You Might Not Want What You Get”

SRH: Amazing how the world sees the Christian as the evil one. There is a cry in some societies today against “the intolerant Christians.” There will always be a cry against the righteous who stand for integrity and truth. If you represent the LORD, and hold Him as the standard, the world will hate you and blame you for the troubles that stem from the judgments of God. Elijah had come to bring the mercy of God in the form of rain. But they don’t have to imagine what a ‘grand’ world it would be without Christianity, they just have to look at history during the Greco-Roman period and more recently during the 20 century. “What was the world like before Jesus? “There is nothing new about ‘New Atheism’. The( Atheists and Islamic extremists ) are going to take us … Continue reading Watchman: For The Christian, This World Is The Only Hell They Will Ever Know ,With an Increasing Number of People in the West Wishing for a World Without Christianity, ‘You Might Get What You Want, but You Might Not Want What You Get”