A One World Government Enabled by the UN Is Already in the

Works. Simultaneously, a One World Economy Is Planned – the “Great Reset” Led by the IMF. Trump’s First Term Caused These Efforts a Major Delay. a Second Trump Term Is Unthinkable for Them. Hence the Rush to Crown Biden… Biden’s ‘New World Order’ and UN Agenda 2030 – One World Government. Bible prophecy or not its easy to see what’s culminating. We see the Pope aligning himself with the enemy of Christianity. We see the UN set to control by 2030. We see top government officials around the world openly discussing a new world order. So its certainly only a matter of time until that Bible prophecy is fulfilled. The Holy Bible of Christians teaches a prophecy of a ‘one world leader’. As we take a look at the UN Agenda, we can see ourselves getting closer to a one world … Continue reading A One World Government Enabled by the UN Is Already in the