Another Mass Shooting Leaves 9 Dead, 26 Injured in Dayton, Ohio Bar District, Birth Pains

DON’T LET PRES. TRUMP OR THE POLITICIANS FOOL YOU, THIS IS NOT A GUN PROBLEM, IT IS HEARTS WITHOUT GOD. Due to the growing level of violence in our world and the extolment of peace in Scripture, there is much debate among Christians regarding whether it is appropriate for a Christian to own weapons. However, a comprehensive look at the Bible offers insight regarding historic practices that inform this issue today. We have the example of the apostles, who owned weapons. On the night Jesus was betrayed, He asked His followers to bring swords. They had two, which Jesus claimed was enough (Luke 22:37-39). As Jesus was being arrested, Peter sliced off the ear of one of the servants of the high priest (John 18:10). Jesus healed the man instantly (Luke 22:51) and commanded Peter to put away his weapon … Continue reading Another Mass Shooting Leaves 9 Dead, 26 Injured in Dayton, Ohio Bar District, Birth Pains