Anti-Christian Bigotry Is the Only Form of Acceptable Intolerance Remaining in This Country and Abroad,What Matters to the Left

is Silencing the Christian Influence of This Nation… The Left’s goal is to replace religious faith with the progressive socialist agenda as the ruling norm in the Left’s new world order.  This is the culture war, plain and simple.  The effect is cascading beyond America.  This, plus the relentless advance of radical Islam, has made Christianity the most persecuted religion in the world… Christian principles were foundational to the American Republic.  Yet what matters to the Left is silencing the Christian influence of this nation.  The battle to destroy Christianity is really the battle to destroy America.  The intolerant Left is replacing the structure of an orderly and benevolent norm with falsehoods, distortions, intimidation, and violence.  Unfortunately, traditional American Christians have been on the losing end of the culture war for a long time.   America’s Christian heritage centers on the idea that we are born with equal … Continue reading Anti-Christian Bigotry Is the Only Form of Acceptable Intolerance Remaining in This Country and Abroad,What Matters to the Left