Antifa Are Smashing the Windows of Every Storefront in Denver Colorado This

Country Is on War Footing and Our Politicians Are Encouraging Those Degenerates That Hate America Raised by a Bunch of Liberal Parents That Won’t Spank There Children Do-Gooders, Schooled at the Anti-American Slug Universities… Part of the “new normal” in America seems to be battle zones erupting across the nation. I’m not just talking about protests, but full-on sieges that may last for days, weeks, or even months. Some of these began due to acts of police brutality, while others have taken on lives of their own with wholesale looting and violence. The United States of America we see today is incredibly different from the one we saw at the beginning of the year. We’ve been wracked by a pandemic, a subsequent economic catastrophe, and massive, widespread civil unrest. Let’s take a look at these pockets of violent behavior. (WARNING: This article … Continue reading Antifa Are Smashing the Windows of Every Storefront in Denver Colorado This