Catholic priests said they would rather go to jail than report child abuse

Catholic Church: We’ll Cover For Pedophile Priests If They Confess Their Sins… Pharisees were hypocrites because they gave only nominal and verbal assent to the Scriptures and really they worshiped God in vain, “teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.” The Catholic has stated it is not willing to break the seal of confession even if pedophile priest confesses to abusing children according to reports.Priests said they would rather go to jail than report pedophile priests who confess to raping children in order to the seal of confession fully intact.South Australia has joined the ACT in moving forward with forcing Catholic priests by law to break the seal of confession when it comes to reporting pedophiles to the police.  Now other states are considering whether or not to adopt the recommendation from the royal commission. However, the Catholic church has fiercely rejected the idea, … Continue reading Catholic priests said they would rather go to jail than report child abuse