China Wants Your DNA Sequencing Data. They May Already Have it.

According to Edward You, the US national counterintelligence officer for Emerging and Disruptive Technologies, China is “developing the world’s largest bio database.” “It’s not something you can change like a pin code once they have access to your genetic data.” The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is compiling a large database of medical, health, and genetic information from people all over the world, including Americans, in order to dominate the bioeconomy. Private firms are enlisted by the CCP to assist in the collection of genetic data, which may then be merged with top military supercomputing capabilities to uncover genetic flaws in a population. Bioweapons that feed on these flaws can then be designed. Chinese scientists have been pursuing research in the areas of brain science, gene editing, and the construction of artificial genomes as part of Beijing’s military-civil fusion program. Similar study … Continue reading China Wants Your DNA Sequencing Data. They May Already Have it.