Decades of Democratic Rule Ruined Some of Our Finest Cities, They Destroy Everything They Touch

Loopy Left Reprobates… Urban Blight: Filmmaker Michael Moore tweeted, “Flint has voted for Dems for 84 straight yrs” and wanted to know, “What did it get us?” He’s actually on to something. Don’t drink the water in Flint, Mich. Federal and state officials botched a water supply switch there and ended up contaminating the city’s drinking water with lead. It’s a sad and infuriating story that has gone on far too long. It’s not quite a humanitarian crisis — blessedly, we don’t see many of those in this country — but it is a mess. Of course, blame has been liberally tossed around. Republican Gov. Rick Snyder has been sued. Moore wants him arrested. (Obviously, there’s a limit to Moore’s ability to think clearly, and he reached it with his Flint tweet.) Some are convinced that the private sector is the … Continue reading Decades of Democratic Rule Ruined Some of Our Finest Cities, They Destroy Everything They Touch