Deep State Propaganda Has Come To Live At Fox News

Many people become addicted to cable news or mindlessly sucked in to whatever show may be on at the moment . This takes people away from family, friends, and time in God’s Word. Many of the most popular shows today focus on the worst that mankind has to offer, and evil is glorified as good (see 2 Timothy 3:1–5 and Isaiah 5:20). Even on so-called Christian television, there are some men and women claiming to be ministers of God who are more concerned about money and prestige than saving souls (see 2 Timothy 4:3–4). The impact of television in our lives comes in what we do with it. Christians should not let TV control them; rather, they should use TV as the communication tool it was meant to be. It’s no longer just a matter of worry-laden public speculation: Fox News, America’s Number 1 … Continue reading Deep State Propaganda Has Come To Live At Fox News