Dem likely to do everything Including assassination, God put Pres Trump’s in office be warn.

The treasonous bunches of senators and congress that are being paid to push PRESIDENT TRUMP out by George Soros their puppet master can find another job or get on the TRUMP TRAIN. You idiots and your fake poles on election night saying Killary won the popular vote are crazies gone mad . The college voter poles showed the truths about the poles that night the election was held. Killary had over four million illegal votes counting the illegal immigrants Obama Nation said could vote. And we have the video of him telling them that they could vote. The Democratic Party lying to their voters about PRESIDENT TRUMP making up false claims that couldn’t be proven and we have that on videos also liars the whole lot of you. WE THE PEOPLE KNOW WHO IS TO BLAME IF ANYTHING HAPPENS TO … Continue reading Dem likely to do everything Including assassination, God put Pres Trump’s in office be warn.