Deplatformed: How Big Tech Companies & Corporate America Subvert The Second Amendment

Anyone familiar with the Bible is familiar with the Mark of the Beast: Without this mark, no man may buy or sell… Regardless of one’s religious faith or lack thereof, there is an illustrative case in this biblical story: When one cannot buy or sell, one is metaphorically up the creek. Short of producing everything one needs oneself, buying and selling are necessary parts of virtually every modern person’s life. In our modern world, we can begin to see a sort of Mark of the Beast: While ideas and even objects aren’t banned, they are increasingly difficult to come by, not due to government fiat, but due to the machinations of corporations hostile to the American values of freedom. One can be in favor of the free market while recognizing a simple truth: There is no way that America’s Founding Fathers would have sat on their hands while five … Continue reading Deplatformed: How Big Tech Companies & Corporate America Subvert The Second Amendment