Domestic Travel Passport Is Being Forced on the Populace Without Even a Burp, This Is a Tale-Tell Sign America

Is Not the Land of the Free nor Is It Home to the Brave Anymore, Birth Pains…. So you were worried about a national ID card, but forgot that basically you have that in a Social Security card, albeit a little outdated?  Well, not to fear, Big Brother is here and beginning next year, the feds are going to be requiring you to have your papers ready to board a plane or enter a Federal government facility. The American Institute for Economic Research has the story.  Peter C. Earle writes: The deadline of yet another, and perhaps the most insidious, element of the post-9/11 initiatives (a partial list of which includes the establishment of the Transportation Security Agency, the Department of Homeland Security, and a never-ending international war against a nebulously-defined, noncorporeal enemy, “terror”) is less than one year from coming … Continue reading Domestic Travel Passport Is Being Forced on the Populace Without Even a Burp, This Is a Tale-Tell Sign America