Drag Queen Story Hour, Satan Is Going After the Most Vulnerable – Our Children

The Bible gives some examples of people possessed or influenced by demons, perverted sexual acts, mutilating one’s body, piercing, tattoos Etc. From these examples, we can find some symptoms of demonic influence and gain insight as to how a demon possesses someone. Here are some of the biblical passages: Matthew 9:32-33; 12:22; 17:18; Mark 5:1-20; 7:26-30; Luke 4:33-36; Luke 22:3; Acts 16:16-18. In some of these passages, the demon possession causes physical ailments such as inability to speak, epileptic symptoms, blindness, etc. It causes the individual to do evil, Drag Queen’s farce, pantomime, travesty, mockery, parody, pretense, acts are the very sign of evil and social collapse. StevieRay Hansen Caring for children is spoken of highly in the Bible. For example, James 1:27 says that caring for children in need pleases God: “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep … Continue reading Drag Queen Story Hour, Satan Is Going After the Most Vulnerable – Our Children