Europe Having Large Protests Against Vaccine Mandates.

Some children in Germany are now being subjected to what was called by media as “ritual humiliation,” wherein students are tasked to go in front of the class and state their vaccination status on a daily basis. Those who are vaccinated are applauded, while unvaccinated students are scorned. The report on “ritual humiliation” appeared in Germany’s leading newspaper called Die Welt and was reported on by journalist Alex Story in a segment for the TV channel GB News, WND reported. As part of the daily “ritual humiliation,” unvaccinated students must explain to their schoolmates why they were not vaccinated. The report said it was one of three developments in Germany that “should raise an alarm bell for people who are for the mandate.” The second concerning development is the implementation of wristbands for shoppers to verify if they are vaccinated or not. … Continue reading Europe Having Large Protests Against Vaccine Mandates.