First Coronavirus Death in the USA, Death Angel on the March, Pestilence Into Tribulation

Mr. Pres. it’s time for you be honest with the American people, your first obligation is our safety, ask God for direction and STOP spinning the truth about this “Pestilence”, the American hospitals or about to become overwhelmed. Earlier today, the U.S. Surgeon General Jerome M. Adams told America to “stop buying masks!” He said that if consumers buy masks, then the hospitals will run out, accidentally admitting that hospitals are facing a severe mask shortage because they didn’t prepare in advance. While every nation in China is actively encouraging people to buy masks and stop the spread of the coronavirus, in the United States, our own (brain-damaged?) Surgeon General says precisely the opposite. So because the hospitals didn’t prepare, you shouldn’t make either, The distribution for supplies such as food, medical supplies are about to be shut off, A city falls when its healthcare … Continue reading First Coronavirus Death in the USA, Death Angel on the March, Pestilence Into Tribulation