Forcing Christians to Condone Sin Is Tyranny- and a Violation of Their Rights Under God’s Law and Natural Law…

Created with GIMP Do you understand what the elitist- YouTube, Facebook and Twitter think of you, your basement dwellers and deserve to be controlled, Christian are Hate Fill Morons and Big Tech Will Control You… Twitter – the very same platform that suspended us permanently for accurately predicting that the Wuhan Institute of Virology was likely at the middle of the ongoing global pandemic – is now taking its censorship to ludicrous levels. The service is now going to be asking users to “reconsider” responses to other users that include slurs, epithets or swear words, according to Bloomberg. We are all but certain this voluntary-sounding and discretionarily-enforced infringement on free speech will eventually lead to yet another wave of bans and suspensions for anyone whose ideology doesn’t fit the far left mold that Jack Dorsey and his Silicon Valley cronies are peddling that day of the week.  … Continue reading Forcing Christians to Condone Sin Is Tyranny- and a Violation of Their Rights Under God’s Law and Natural Law…