God’s magnificent design, who can disput?

Everyone knows there is a God. The evidence is all around us. In fact, the Creator designed the universe so that His many invisible attributes would be “clearly seen” in the things He made, so that we are “without excuse” (Romans 1:20). Despite his wonders, they did not believe. (Psalm 78:32, ESV) Romans 1:18–21 has a more direct answer to modern Epicurus. Those who have never heard are willfully guilty for rejecting God because God has revealed Himself clearly in the wonders of creation. The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all impiety and injustice of men, who are seeking to suppress the truth by means of their unrighteous lives. (Romans 1:18 God is angry with us. Notice why. God’s anger swells up because men are “suppressing the truth.” The Greek word translated “suppress” means “holding down,” like … Continue reading God’s magnificent design, who can disput?