I Hope You’re Paying Close Attention the World Is a Dangerous Place, Tyrants

Have Taken Charge, There Are No Laws That Protect the People, We Are All on Our Own–The New World Order Has a Big Footprint Now, Be Prepared to Protect You and Yours Because the Beast Is in Charge. the Citizens of Australia’s Second Most Populous City Are Suffering Under the Harshest Lockdown Conditions of All Western Democracies. Their Voices Need to Be Heard… Clearly, it’s time to clean house at all levels of government. Stop tolerating corruption, graft, intolerance, greed, incompetence, ineptitude, militarism, lawlessness, ignorance, brutality, deceit, collusion, corpulence, bureaucracy, immorality, depravity, censorship, cruelty, violence, mediocrity, and tyranny. These are the hallmarks of an institution that is rotten through and through. Stop holding your nose in order to block out the stench of a rotting institution. Stop letting the government and its agents treat you like a servant or a … Continue reading I Hope You’re Paying Close Attention the World Is a Dangerous Place, Tyrants