It’s Becoming Increasingly Difficult to Find Information

That Conflicts with the Globalist Agenda… With Google and YOUTUBE Now Being the Predominant Gate-Keeper of Information, It’s Becoming Increasingly Difficult to Find Information That Conflicts with the Globalist Agenda. Their aggressive plans to rob the morality base of our nation are being disguised as “enlightened” and “tolerant.”  The seeds of their plan have already been planted in the minds of our children – seeds that will totally destroy Christian moral principles for right and wrong.  Faith in One God is being presented as obsolete thinking.  Instead, there is a pantheon of gods catering to our inner self, justifying all kinds of evil behavior since every person is free to do what is right in his own sight. See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the elemental … Continue reading It’s Becoming Increasingly Difficult to Find Information