It’s Time the People Had the Guts to Get It Right! Our Congresses

for the past 94 years, starting with the passage of the Federal Reserve Act and the Income Tax Act of 1913, has been nothing less than an absolute, total disgrace… We would have been better off with a dictatorship! Don’t laugh, because that is where we are headed! The leaders of the religious right need to pull their heads out of their butts and stop endorsing candidates because they might be pro-life and anti-gay marriage. They have sold us into tax slavery, they have allowed the Fed to devalue our currency through inflation and to blatantly and incessantly cause panics, recessions, and depressions as they rip off the US public over and over again, ad nauseam, they have shredded our Constitution in every way possible every chance they get, they have either authorized or condoned the slaughter of our children … Continue reading It’s Time the People Had the Guts to Get It Right! Our Congresses