Lawlessness, One of the Glaring Signs of Tribulations, Armed Baltimore Gangs Target

Delivery Drivers in Recent Wave of Carjackings and Robberies… One of the signs of the end times I speak about in this article is that “lawlessness” in society will  become pervasive. Hear the words of Jesus as he mentions this fact in His message about end times events: Matthew 24:12: “And because lawlessness will abound,the love of many will grow cold” As the coronavirus plandemic drives online holiday shopping – USPS, FedEx, UPS, and Amazon delivery workers distribute more mail and packages than ever. The increased number of deliveries has left delivery vans densely packed with a treasure trove of consumer goods and other valuable items, which have become sitting ducks for armed criminal gangs.  Armed criminal gangs in Baltimore City have recognized the online shopping boom. They’re giving up on robbing brick and mortar stores and have now opted to hijack or rob … Continue reading Lawlessness, One of the Glaring Signs of Tribulations, Armed Baltimore Gangs Target