List of Christian Denominational Positions On Homosexuality

Politicians and economists have been speaking of the “Third Way” for about a hundred years now. Only recently has the term Third Way been used in an ecclesiastical context, with some churches now claiming to be “Third Way” congregations. In a secular context, Third Way refers to a “middle ground” between two perceived extremes. Political liberalism and conservatism, for example, are sometimes cited as both being too “extreme,” necessitating a Third Way between the two. Followers of Third Way thinking often call themselves “Moderates” and attempt to draw from the values of both sides of the issues. In a church context, Third Way commonly refers to those seeking a “middle ground” on the issue of homosexuality or gay marriage. Third Way churches reject the polarization of society. They seek to “engage the culture” without being judgmental of others and without redefining their own core beliefs. … Continue reading List of Christian Denominational Positions On Homosexuality