Marxian Analysis Shows That Antifa Is Fascist, Violent With a

Dead End Dream “When fascism comes to America it will be called antifascism” … – Huey Long (misattributed) The Democrats And The Presstitutes Will Not Admit A Trump Win… Antifa’s fascist violence will return on election night. That’s why it’s important to understand their fraudulence and fascism, and reject the politics of plutocrat-contrived violence. Perhaps strangely, Marxian analysis itself is best suited to communicate this point to the radical left. This is because at the root of Marxian analysis are not self-declarations, nor definitions based in superstructural manifestations, but rather the material relationship between base and superstructure. In layman’s terms this boils down to two things in practice: ‘follow the money’, and ‘watch what they do and not what they say’. The real existing financial motives and the socio-economic class behind those motives is what we will find driving the base, even while at the … Continue reading Marxian Analysis Shows That Antifa Is Fascist, Violent With a