Massachusetts State Governor Terminates 12 State Troopers For Failing To Comply With State Vaccine Mandate.


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Despite a dramatic decline in cases and hospitalizations across the state in recent months, a dozen Massachusetts State Troopers were fired on April 8 for refusing to comply with the state’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate.

According to a representative for the Massachusetts State Police, 11 troopers and one sergeant were fired for failing to follow Governor Charlie Baker’s directive. State Police spokesman David Procopio said they were let go after an internal hearing procedure.

In August 2021, Baker signed an executive order requiring all executive branch workers, including the State Police, to show proof of immunization by Oct. 17, 2021. Only “limited exemptions from the vaccination mandate can be established where a reasonable accommodation can be reached” for a worker on medical or religious grounds, according to the order.

State Police Association of Massachusetts spokesperson Chris Keohan told the Boston Herald that all of the troopers had requested for exemptions from the law. The troopers are represented by the State Police Association of Massachusetts (SPAM).

“They didn’t simply fire them; they took away their livelihood,” Keohan said to the tabloid.

On April 8, SPAM commented on Facebook, “Governor Baker has demonstrated once again how hypocritical he is.”

“As part of a Friday night press dump, he has just fired at least 12 Troopers for refusing to comply with his vaccine demand.” There will be no more appeals. There was no procedure followed. Just a Governor hell-bent on breaking the State Police’s backs who work diligently every day to keep the Commonwealth safe.”

As incidents and hospitalizations have decreased, Baker has begun to take a more lenient approach to COVID-19, according to the union.

“While he closes COVID testing sites, asks for the State House to be reopened without a mandate, and has generally demonstrated that we are in the endemic phase of COVID-19, he insists on removing at least 12 Troopers from an already understaffed agency,” the statement stated. “The Troopers have a right to expect more. Better is due the Commonwealth. Charlie Baker, on the other hand, should be ashamed of himself.”

The number of COVID-19 cases reported in Massachusetts has decreased dramatically since early January, when roughly 25,000 to 30,000 cases were recorded daily. According to data, an average of just over 1,300 instances were reported per day as of last week.

It comes as a rising number of states make changes to how they record COVID-19 contractions and hospitalizations. Last Monday, the New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services announced that a COVID-19 hospitalization now includes patients receiving dexamethasone or remdesivir treatment.

As you can see, the tyranny has not gone away despite the various distractions like the Ukrainian invasion and the Will Smith debacle. It’s plain as day that there is a large portion of politicians across the globe that are genuinely evil people, and it’s a miracle that society has not weeded them out by this point. Perhaps the people are subdued by a perfect ratio of “freedom” and entertainment. Thus society walks blindly, not even noticing they’re being scammed and coerced to participate in an egregious agenda against the will of God.

No one man can make sense of this elaborate illusion cast over the common man of society, but collectively we can point out each limitation forced upon us and bring it forward as an injustice to the public. In Matthew 10:34 Jesus says: “Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword.” We’re meant to go down preaching the gospel and guiding others to salvation. This could be considered the bravest task a man or woman of faith could undertake, but make no mistake it will bear fruit in the kingdom of heaven. Stay inquisitive in the word of God, and the world around you.

President Joe Biden’s proposed $5.8 trillion federal budget for Fiscal Year 2023 raises overall domestic expenditure by 7%, increases military spending by 10%, and includes a slew of new tax levies for high-income earners, while also hiking the corporate income tax from 21% to 28%.

The 149-page proposed budget, which was released on March 29, is not a set-in-stone, line-by-line appropriations bill, but rather an outline of aspirational spending demands that Congress will likely revise extensively over the spring and summer before the new fiscal year begins on Oct. 1.

That is, if an annual spending plan is adopted before the fiscal year starts.

Since 2016, Congress has not passed an annual budget before the start of a fiscal year, instead opting to fund the government through continuing resolutions, such as the 2,741-page, $1.5 trillion federal appropriations bill passed by both chambers on March 9 and 10, five months after Fiscal Year 2022 began.

The White House said its “bipartisan unity program” will cut $1 trillion from the US’ spending-over-revenue imbalance over the next decade in what it calls “a center-leaning budget.”

Significant increases in funding for local, state, and federal law enforcement, as well as a “whole of government” approach to climate change, are included in the budget request.

The proposed budget outline allocates $1.6 trillion in domestic spending, a 7% increase over current levels, to affordable housing, prescription drug, child care, and health-care premium cost reductions, and port infrastructure improvements to address supply chain disruptions that contributed to rapid inflation.

It excludes progressive priorities like student loan forgiveness, despite a $2.7 billion increase in funding for student debt relief (a 43 percent increase).

Biden’s domestic plan, Build Back Better, is referenced only once and without any details.

The first focus of congressional Republicans’ reactions was on the budget request’s inconsistencies, notably with reference to precise expenditures and revenue predictions for social programs and climate change projects.

Senate Budget Committee Republicans released a memo on March 28 labeling the planned budget a “phantom placeholder” to “conceals the expense of the doomed, reckless, tax-and-spend measure.”

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), the chair of the Senate Budget Committee, said the budget request puts the on on Congress to fill in the gaps, and he urged members of both chambers to commit to doing so by Sept. 30.

“Now that the president has completed his work, it is up to Congress to analyze it, pass the plans that make sense, and improve upon it,” Sanders said in a statement, noting that the committee’s first hearing on the proposed spending outline will take place on March 30 at 11 a.m. EST.

The proposed FY23 budget includes the following highlights, which are sure to be the basis of long deliberations:

Military: Biden’s budget request calls for $813.3 billion in national security spending, up $31 billion, or 4%, from 2022.

The US Department of Defense will receive $773 billion from the overall budget, a 10% increase, as Russia’s invasion of Ukraine escalates tensions in Europe, China poses a growing threat to Taiwan and the South China Sea, and North Korea launches intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) aimed at the US.

Funding for modernizing nuclear weapons systems, including a new class of ICBM submarines and greater investments in bombers and land-based ICBMs, is included in the proposed military appropriations, as well as a 4.6 percent pay boost for uniformed service members and civilian DOD employees.

The budget notes, “We are at the start of a pivotal decade that will define the future strategic competition with China, the trajectory of the climate problem, and whether the rules regulating technology, trade, and international economics enshrine or violate our democratic principles.”

In his budget request, Biden stated, “This will be among the greatest investments in our national security in history.” “While some may object to the rise, we live in a different world now. When America is more safe, it is more rich, successful, and just.”

Sanders is one of many who opposes the hike, claiming it is excessive. “No, we do not need a large increase in the defense budget at a time when we already spend more on the military than the next 11 countries combined,” he said in his budget statement.

In their initial reactions to the budget agreement, numerous Republicans argued it was too low. In a statement, Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-OK), the leading Republican on the Senate Armed Services Committee, said, “Preserving the peace needs considerable investment—and the President’s defense budget falls short.”

Rep. Mike Rogers (R-Ala.), the top Republican on the House Armed Services Committee, said, “Unfortunately, President Biden’s FY23 budget has shown to be, once again, totally inadequate.”

“Most critically, this budget fails to account for the nation’s catastrophic havoc caused by record-high inflation. My colleagues and I made it clear to Vice President Biden that our warfighters require a defense budget that is 5% more than inflation.”

Biden’s budget proposal includes $32 billion in increased funding for local, state, and federal law enforcement to assist fund community policing, violence interventions, and anti-gun trafficking programs.

The plan calls for $17.4 billion in funding for federal law enforcement agencies, up $1.7 billion (or 13 percent) from current levels. This includes $1.8 billion for the United States Marshals Service to apprehend fugitives, $1.7 billion for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives to combat gun trafficking, $72.1 million to prosecute violent crimes, and $69 million to support FBI programs aimed at violent crimes against children.

Biden’s budget proposal includes a slew of ambitious targets to cut prescription medication, child care, and health-care premium costs, but few specifics.

The proposal notes, “Because discussions with Congress are ongoing, the President’s budget includes a deficit-neutral reserve fund to account for future legislation.”

Immigration: The US Customs and Border Protection agency would receive $15.3 billion, while US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) would receive more than $8.1 billion, including $309 million for border security technology and $19 million for border fencing and other infrastructure, according to the budget proposal.

Climate Change: The budget plan proposes for a $45 billion increase in “whole-of-government” appropriations among five federal agencies, a $16.7 billion increase over current levels.

The proposed formation of a US Justice Department Office of Environmental Justice, as well as a $10 million Small Business Administration program for small renewable energy businesses, are among the proposals.

Deficit: The Biden plan would reduce the nation’s spending-to-revenues deficit by more than $1 trillion over the next decade, thanks to a new income tax of 20% for households earning more than $100 million and a one-third increase in the corporate income tax.

The new “billionaire tax,” according to the White House, will produce $360 billion over the next ten years.

The nation’s corporation tax rate, which was slashed from 35 percent to 21 percent during former President Donald Trump’s administration in the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, would be raised to 28 percent under the proposed plan, boosting estimated revenues by $650 billion by 2033.

It looks like a communist administration because it is one; Why is society paralyzed? Find your courage in the word, Matthew 5:44 says: “But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.” Satan is building his own army just like God. In Matthew chapter 10, Jesus tells his apostles they have been given power over unclean spirits, and sends them out to spread the word. We hold power over unclean spirits and our prayer can move mountains. Stay inquisitive in the word of God, and the world around you.


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