Mr.Trump–Let GOD Lead , Stop Talking Before You Lose ALL Credibility

We have let the government’s evil-doing, its abuses, power grabs, brutality, meanness, inhumanity, immorality, greed, corruption, debauchery, and tyranny go on for too long. We are approaching a reckoning. This is the point where a real bad actor steps in with lots of hollow empty promises, he’s known as the “antichrist”… There’s been some pretty stiff competition, but Tuesday night’s press conference was an entertaining one. For the second night in a row, President Trump clearly expressed his support for continuing with the mitigation efforts and acted as if he had never veered off-course by embracing his “sacrifice grandma to save the economy” rhetoric, which would have surely helped torpedo his campaign given long enough. Perhaps feeling chastened by the stock market’s worst start to a year in history, Trump, acting as if he had never even considered the possibility of … Continue reading Mr.Trump–Let GOD Lead , Stop Talking Before You Lose ALL Credibility