Watchman: NBC News Promotes Convenience of Getting a Microchip in Your Hand

Click On  GraniteRidgeSoapworks   Selling the Idea of the Mark of the Beast Moving into High Gear… “Human microchipping may be our future but in Sweden, it’s already a reality,” concludes Harman. Source NBC News celebrated the prospect of “millions” of people getting a microchip implanted in their hand as a likely future outcome. The segment is introduced by pointing out that people who have taken the chip do not need to carry keys, ID, credit cards or money. It points out that embedding microchips in humans have long been a feature of dystopian fiction like Black Mirror, but that in Sweden “the microchips are already here.” The piece also celebrates how the same contactless technology has “made cash pretty much obsolete in Sweden.” A woman is seen receiving an implanted microchip while commenting, “I thought it would be fun,… … Continue reading Watchman: NBC News Promotes Convenience of Getting a Microchip in Your Hand