Netanyahu Will Hand Scepter to Messiah

Son of David… If you think for one minute that your blind support of Israel and their current-day politics and religion is what a believer in Jesus Christ should be doing, you are woefully Deceived! Read this and use discernment and plain common sense. This rabbi is not talking about Jesus, but the false Messiah they are waiting for. Reincarnation? Please! The only “incarnating” that will happen is Satan in the false Messiah. They will fall for the Antichrist and so will you if you don’t educate yourself in the truth of God’s word and His timetable of events.– Mary Fitzgerald Rodriguez Be Warned: A false christ or a false messiah is a pretender who claims to be the One sent from God to save humanity. In Matthew 24:23–24, Jesus says, “And then if anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is the Christ!’ or … Continue reading Netanyahu Will Hand Scepter to Messiah