On Monday, Trump Once Again Said From the White House That “Heat” Would Kill the Virus

That’s Trump Wishful Thinking… 2nd Coronavirus Case Confirmed In San Diego As China Sends 2,600 Army “Medical Staff” To Wuhan Summary: China’s Hubei province admits a massive spike in virus cases and deaths (14,840 additional cases and  242 additional deaths) CDC confirms the second case in San Diego The Sun reports the first case confirmed in London, bringing UK total to 9 China Grand Prix canceled Couple onboard ‘Diamond Princess’ tell CNBC situation is “frankly terrifying”. AFP publishes report exposing worsening shortages of food and supplies in Wuhan Cruise ship rejected by four countries allowed to dock in Cambodia Rumors of 10k in Wuhan not included in the official count of cases NYT follows WSJ in exploring problems with Chinese testing kits Global Times says the US should restart travel to China US officials complain about China still denying American … Continue reading On Monday, Trump Once Again Said From the White House That “Heat” Would Kill the Virus