One of Satan Soldiers: As the World Looks to Man for a Savior , NBA

Walkout Proves Lebron James Now a “Potent Political Force”, Media Claims and as Always They are Wrong… Just days after President Trump complained that the NBA is behaving “more like a political organization”, Reuters has published a story anointing LeBron James, unquestionably the league’s biggest star, as the modern day heir to the mantle of Mohammad Ali. In case readers missed all the NBA drama earlier this week, LeBron James tried to convince his fellow players to cancel the post-season. Fortunately for many, most of the league’s workmen players insisted on moving forward (because most working people can’t simply forego a massive paycheck in the middle of an unprecedented crisis), and the post-season has been saved. For now, at least. Because as Reuters explains, LeBron isn’t stopping with the league. He’s helped create a political organization to fight voter disenfranchisement. But more importantly … Continue reading One of Satan Soldiers: As the World Looks to Man for a Savior , NBA