Plandemic Was Part of the Steel—in the Election Coup Attempt! CDC Admits

at Least 96% of Deaths From covid19 Were Wrong!… Anyone questioning the coronavirus pandemic should be aware of the strategies being passed around to discredit, ridicule and even shame such thinking. Hint: facts don’t matter. Fortunately, one can use the same techniques and strategies to turn the table in the other direction.  This means it really was a plandemic! How much more of this garbage are we going to take. It was part of the steel the election coup attempt! CDC admits at least 96% of deaths from Covid19 were WRONG! Staged Coronavirus Plandemic: An International Criminal Conspiracy of Epic Proportions Blindly complying with all of the illicit orders and other Covid dictates ought to be vigilantly avoided. The more folks bend to the will of the Plandemic tyrants, the more easily it will be for them to implement their … Continue reading Plandemic Was Part of the Steel—in the Election Coup Attempt! CDC Admits