Police Tell Pastor “Your Rights Are Suspended” While Busting Up ‘Drive-In’ Church Service

Judging by the following clip, faith may have won… No doubt this is will be a historic Easter Sunday unlike any other, with American Christians by and large watching services from home, whether online or on television, or also in some cases in their cars in church parking lots. Lockdowns across the nation have already triggered fierce 1st Amendment debates, to which states have in some cases responded very differently. One Florida pastor late last month wound up in handcuffs after defying local authorities’ orders to not hold a live church service, but in other states like Texas, governors have declared church an ‘essential service’ and reaffirmed that Bill of Rights ‘freedom of religion’ protections means police can’t go in and shut services down. But in Mississippi, not even ‘drive-in’ church is being allowed, in what will likely be seen by most American … Continue reading Police Tell Pastor “Your Rights Are Suspended” While Busting Up ‘Drive-In’ Church Service