Police Unmask Antifa Thugs – Rip Off Their Masks – at Auburn Protest, Fights Break Out (VIDEOS)

Police Unmask Antifa Thugs – Rip Off Their Masks – at Auburn Protest, Fights Break Out (VIDEOS) Auburn Police on Wednesday released the identities of the three people who were arrested outside Auburn University’s James E. Foy Hall before Richard Spencer’s speech there Tuesday evening. All three were arrested at 6:21 p.m. Tuesday – well before the 7 p.m. start time for Spencer’s speech – and charged with with disorderly conduct, according to their arrest reports. “[N]one [of the people arrested] were AU students or from the Auburn area.  There were no other reports of vandalism or damage as a result of the event,” Auburn Police spokeswoman Lorenza Dorsey said via email, adding that he did not have an official count but he “would estimate several hundred” people gathered outside Foy Hall Tuesday evening. The three people arrested Tuesday were: – Tattoo artist … Continue reading Police Unmask Antifa Thugs – Rip Off Their Masks – at Auburn Protest, Fights Break Out (VIDEOS)