President Trump May Be About to Begin a Scorched Earth Campaign to Drain the Swamp

A true man is someone who has “put away childish things” (1 Corinthians 13:11, NLT). A true man knows what is right and stands firm in the right. A true man is a godly man. He loves the Lord, he loves life, and he loves those whom the Lord has entrusted to his care. William Barr may not be a Boy Scout or anything but even he, like Trump, has a disgust circuit.  And that circuit has a threshold. The level of corruption of the Departments of Justice, State, Treasury and the intelligence agencies needed to coordinate the RussiaGate hoax all to serve as Hillary’s revenge porn was too much for enough people. This is likely far deeper a rabbit hole than anyone in D.C. wants to admit. Don’t think for a second that Epstein hasn’t been blackmailing very prominent people for … Continue reading President Trump May Be About to Begin a Scorched Earth Campaign to Drain the Swamp