Update: Satan Soldier Bill Gates Warns About a Plandemic, One ‘That Will Get Attention This Time’ — Pestilence

Pestilence Are Here and Bill Gates Can’t Found a Fix… Most people have no idea how such a rich and smart person could be so dim on essential matters of complex cell biology. Hacking the human body, improving it with uploads and downloads, is surely a more ominous challenge than inventing and managing man-made computers. So herein I try to present the reasons (Ungodly) Gates’s way of thinking. The relative deficiencies of this kill shot vaccine to stop infection and transmission are now well known. Pestilence Can Not Be Stop Speaking about the last days Paul said, “evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived” (2Ti 3:13). In other words, there will be progressive insanity displayed on earth. Since that is a biblical truth, we cannot be so naive as to believe that we can … Continue reading Update: Satan Soldier Bill Gates Warns About a Plandemic, One ‘That Will Get Attention This Time’ — Pestilence