Satan Soldiers AKA — BLM, Antifa and LGBQE Mob Has Run Amok on

the American Dream, Leaving Honest Hard-Working People in Despair… It was less than 48 hours ago that we pointed out that “review” website Yelp was getting into the business of social justice by saying it would append a “Business Accused of Racist Behavior Alert” to any businesses page where a company had been accused of racism. “The bullshit never ends,” said Donald Trump Jr., in response to the idea. “What are the odds this isn’t insanely abused?” he followed up asking on Friday: The bullshit never ends. What are the odds that this isn’t insanely abused? Well, Don, we think we have an answer for you: the odds look pretty long. That’s because just 2 days after Yelp’s announcement, ANTIFA has already starting compiling the names of businesses that it wants to submit to Yelp and put out of business. As if throwing rocks through their … Continue reading Satan Soldiers AKA — BLM, Antifa and LGBQE Mob Has Run Amok on