Satan Soldiers Creation –“Mad Max Scenario” Ahead The Rule of Law is Disappearing in America Now Satan Soldiers

Have a Reason to Step in and Yoke the People… Financial writer John Rubino says there is no easy way out for the financial and political mess the United States has created for itself.  Rubino starts with the economic problems and explains, “Now, inflation is starting to spread…” “Look at lumber.  If you are trying to build a house, it’s $35,000 more now than it was two years ago just because of lumber.  Iron ore, house prices, grains, food and you name it, we’ve got inflation going on.  At the same time, we have an apparent labor shortage.  All these companies are coming out and saying we would love to take on all the business we are being offered to us, but we don’t have enough people.  Even Uber and Lyft cannot find enough drivers.  It’s weird it is happening this soon, but … Continue reading Satan Soldiers Creation –“Mad Max Scenario” Ahead The Rule of Law is Disappearing in America Now Satan Soldiers