Satan Soldiers Have Big Plans for Those That

Oppose There Plandemic, It’s Called Concentration Camps… Since the year 2000, we have witnessed two epochal events, 9/11 and COVID-19. Both produced massive changes in civil liberty and government power, reducing the former and enhancing the latter. The official narrative of 9/11 is unbelievable as it is contrary to all known science. The official narrative of Covid relies on running the PCR test at high cycles known to produce false positives in order to produce headlines of a scary high rate of infection. Covid deaths are magnified by ignoring co-morbidities and by counting even motorcycle deaths as Covid deaths. In the US, financial incentives were created for hospitals to report all deaths as Covid deaths. The flu season has been conflated with Covid and has disappeared. It is possible that more Covid patients were killed by ventilators than by Covid … Continue reading Satan Soldiers Have Big Plans for Those That