The Bible Predicts That a Global Government Will Arise in the Last Days and That This Empire Will Control Every Person Who

Does Not Know the Truth in Christ… I SRH, fiercely defend my anti-Vaccine position, and advocate a pro-God, pure immune system for all true Believers. This System Is Now Rising Before Our Eyes in Direct Fulfillment of Prophecy. New World Order In an age of electronic wonder where news and events are seen instantly all across the globe, it is no surprise that the world seems to be developing into one large interconnected community.  A New World Order is being created from technology that would have seemed magical to people of previous generations.  Today, a person can become intimately familiar with the lives and concerns of others who may live halfway around the world simply by surfing the Internet on a computer or smart phone, getting the latest feeds from Facebook or Twitter, viewing videos on YouTube or a news … Continue reading The Bible Predicts That a Global Government Will Arise in the Last Days and That This Empire Will Control Every Person Who