The Death Angel Makes Her Rounds, Look Like DC Is In Her Sights

As The Social Fabric Of America Becomes “Undone” The Death Angel Makes Her Rounds… Millions of Americans have just lost their jobs in the last several weeks due to the COVID-19 outbreak shutting down large swaths of the US economy. Households are coming under severe financial stress, with no savings, insurmountable debts, and job loss. Many are waiting for President Trump’s stimulus check to arrive in the mail, some have skipped out on their rent or mortgage payments on April 1, and others have called their credit card companies to defer debt servicing payments as incomes for tens of millions of people have gone to zero.  The panic buying of food and supplies over the last month shows just how many people were unprepared for a national health crisis, nevertheless, now developing into an economic crash, and soon could be followed by a … Continue reading The Death Angel Makes Her Rounds, Look Like DC Is In Her Sights