The Face Mask: Powerful Symbol of COVID Oppression, Mask Not About Health

God Is the Cure the Medical Profession and Our Politicians Are the Disease When the Cure Is Worse Than the Illness, Run… A few weeks ago face masks were said to be useless and even dangerous against COVID-19. Now, people are urged to wear them and some cities are making them mandatory. Was this complete 180 made for health reasons? Or to create a specific social climate?… The New World Order plan is almost complete, crush the economy and humanity is Crush Because, right now, the mask is not about health – it is about turning you into a walking, talking agent of fear. A woman in Manhattan Beach has been caught on video after throwing a hot cup of coffee in a man’s face after he refused to put on a mask when she demanded that he don one. … Continue reading The Face Mask: Powerful Symbol of COVID Oppression, Mask Not About Health