The List of Politicians, Actors That Show Their Support to the New World Order and There

Allegiance to Satan… I personally believe that the “Mystery of Iniquity” spoken of in the Scriptures refers to the New World Order, i.e., the beast system of the coming Antichrist. It is clear from the second chapter of Thessalonians that the context of the passage is the coming Antichrist. Even going back as far as the Tower of Babel in the Old Testament, we see men trying to unite against God, and so it is today. I also believe that the “Synagogue of Satan” mentioned by Jesus in Revelation 2:9 refers to the Illuminati, i.e., a demonically-inspired occult group of men and women sworn and committed to bringing to fruition a New World Order—a Global, Godless, Totalitarian, Communist Police State, whose ultimate leader will be the Man of Sin himself! The “a-ok” hand sign commonly signifies approbation or appreciation. Like … Continue reading The List of Politicians, Actors That Show Their Support to the New World Order and There