The Plandemic: Vaccines Are Completely Useless and Give False Hope to Those With

No Biblical Faith “Asymptomatic, Fully Vaccinated” Texas Governor Abbott Tests Positive For COVID… Vaccines are a putrid amalgam of neurotoxins, animal DNA, disease, and baby tissue stolen from murdered infants at birth. How Godly is this? This is nothing more than sorcery and witchcraft, and it is identified as such in Scripture. Read Nahum chapter 3 and Revelation 18:23 to see that the US is about to be destroyed for our crimes against humanity, which are: military, spiritual, and medical. The writers and owners of rags like this Christian so-called post – and their false premises made to push a luciferins doctrine – will be judged with the strictest judgment. People’s hearts are troubled. Their minds are in a state of confusion. The Bible tells us that there will be a time of great delusion that will come upon the … Continue reading The Plandemic: Vaccines Are Completely Useless and Give False Hope to Those With