The Power Behind the Jezebel Spirit Is the Power of Satan

Jezebel spirit, everything from sexual looseness in a woman to the teaching of false doctrine—by a man or a woman.  I see people becoming much more aware every day of the spirit of Jezebel (and Leviathan) and how it manifests in people.  It causes them to be controlling, manipulative, jealous, hateful, threatening, prideful, arrogant, lying, demanding, selfish, intimidating, critical, judgmental, and the psychological community calls them Narcissists.  They are absolutely the most challenging type of person to have any relationship with, especially to work for or be married to or to have as a parent. People get affected by the Jezebel and Leviathan spirits due to growing up with pain from their mothers or father or step-parents or being sexually violated by anyone.  As more people in the church and society as a whole have their eyes open to what … Continue reading The Power Behind the Jezebel Spirit Is the Power of Satan