The Tyranny of Technocracy Turns out to Be a Frightening Prelude to the Prophesied

The Beast… A new type of global governance is taking form, and it’s threatening to become a monster. It is based not upon traditional political theories such as capitalism, socialism, communism, or fascism. This new system transcends all previous political systems to create something far more dangerous. Instead of being based upon a ruling class operating within a recognized political hierarchy, this new system is based upon a technocracy, which uses high technology to govern countries and control populations. In this new societal system, the type of government in a political sense becomes almost irrelevant, while a growing, ever-present, intrusive, controlling and sophisticated surveillance state takes over. The tyranny of technocracy turns out to be a frightening prelude to the prophesied final world empire, called the Beast, which is predicted to arise in the End Times under the Antichrist’s reign. … Continue reading The Tyranny of Technocracy Turns out to Be a Frightening Prelude to the Prophesied