Update: The Ungodly NWO Planners Are Insisting No Oil No God and No Guns “Hell on Earth”

Current Law Leaves Riders Defenseless in a Transit System That Is ‘Soft Target’ for Terrorists Gun owners in the nation’s capital are battling for the right to carry guns on the region’s crime-ridden public transportation system. The case is one of dozens brought throughout the country in the aftermath of the Supreme Court’s historic decision on June 23 affirming a constitutional right to carry weapons in public for self-defense. In New York State Rifle and Pistol Association v. Bruen, Justice Clarence Thomas noted that to prohibit hidden weapons in a specified location, “the government must establish that the restriction is compatible with this Nation’s heritage of firearm control.” In recent years, the Supreme Court has strengthened Second Amendment safeguards. It was determined in District of Columbia v. Heller (2008) that the amendment protects “the individual right to keep and carry … Continue reading Update: The Ungodly NWO Planners Are Insisting No Oil No God and No Guns “Hell on Earth”