There Are Already Noises Coming From Governments and Organizations About

Requiring Citizens to Pass Some Form of ‘Immunity Test’ for COVID-19 to Be Granted Freedom of Movement Within Society by Carrying an ‘Immunity Passport’ or Digital Certificate Stored on a Microchip or Smartphone… This dovetails with the rapid drive for a cashless society as a result of the corona scare. Due to corona contagion fears, paper money and coins are being stigmatised as ‘dirty’ with many retail outlets refusing to accept cash. Once this system is adopted domestically, it follows that these same restrictions will be extended to international travellers. Needless to say, this has grave implications for personal liberty and privacy. At present, this juggernaut seems difficult to stop. If allowed, this new bio regime will become the de facto governance for the world’s population. Microsoft founder Bill Gates (net worth $97.8 billion) has called for a national vaccine tracking system in … Continue reading There Are Already Noises Coming From Governments and Organizations About