There is no better way to turn a free people into slaves than through debt. “Banksters”

HNewsWire-It should be obvious to any fair-minded individual that if you yoke the people with insurmountable debt, they will become enslaved through their paymasters,(banksters)…. To be clear our politicians, our elected officials, the FBI, CIA, DOJ, knows the child sex trafficking epidemic exist but have no intention of putting in the end to this ungodly practice from perverts like Or This DirtBagsThe players in the child sex trafficking- in this country use credit cards and ATM cards to run Online ads to sell this child, some take credit card payments and the banking industry gladly accepts their business… The Department of Justice’s Child Exploitation and Obscenities unit is of little good. The late (DirtBag) Attorney General Holder has refused to prosecute an Assistant U.S. Attorney caught doing child porn on DOJ computers, for heaven’s sake! We have a national crisis that threatens … Continue reading There is no better way to turn a free people into slaves than through debt. “Banksters”