Transgender Identity—Wishing Away God’s Design

StevieRay Hansen Commentary-Non-Christian scientists have recognized the bodily differences of the sexes. Anne and Bill Moir, for example, note that men have on average ten times more testosterone than women. Studies show that women use a vocabulary that is different enough from men’s to be “statistically significant.”3 We are distinct emotionally, too. The Scripture gives voice to this reality when it calls godly husbands to treat their wives as the “weaker vessel” and challenges fathers to not “provoke” their children (1 Peter 3:7; Colossians 3:19). These and other patterns constitute the markers of our manhood and womanhood. Our differences, as is clear, are considerable. They are also God given. We complement one another, God’s original design. He created Adam, but there was not a “helper” fit for him (Genesis 2:18). So the Lord in His Complete understanding and wisdom made … Continue reading Transgender Identity—Wishing Away God’s Design