Trump Anti-Twitter Order ‘95% Political Theater’ According To Stanford Lawyer

All Bark No Bite, King Cyrus Trump Has Lost His Annoying, Trump had no intention of draining the swamp, protecting free speech or otherwise making America Great Again, what a joke, truth–he is a King Cyprus… President Trump’s Thursday executive order directing federal agencies to clarify the scope of a law protecting companies such as Twitter from liability for content posted by users is “95% political theater,” according to Stanford University internet law expert, Daphne Keller – who told Reuters it’s “rhetoric without legal foundation, and without legal impact.” It is unclear if the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) will embrace Trump’s view of the law known as Section 230, which governs the legal obligations of companies like Twitter and Facebook when it comes to what their users post. Section 230 contains a provision that allows online platforms like Twitter and Facebook to … Continue reading Trump Anti-Twitter Order ‘95% Political Theater’ According To Stanford Lawyer